- Do words appear to move, wobble or flicker when you read for any length of time?
- Do your eyes get tired or do you get headaches when reading?
You might be one of the 20% of the population who suffers from a condition known as Visual Stress!
Visual Stress is thought to be caused by hyperactivity of certain groups of cells in the brain. The good news is that the symptoms can often be reduced by using a coloured overlay, coloured lenses or by changing the background colour of the screen or tablet that you are looking at.
The ReadEZ system was developed at City University London by a team led by optometrist and visual scientist, Professor David Thomson, and has been used by us for many years, with fantastic results.
Suitable for adults, and children from 6+ the ReadEZ test takes around 20 minutes and can help select the best colour to help you see and concentrate better. Your test will include a free report to show your manager/teacher or SENCO for further support at work or in school.
PRICES: ReadEZ disgnostic test: £45
Spectacles with ReadEZ tint and prescription: from £85
Coloured overlay/reading guides: from £5